Sunday, January 30, 2011

Save us from bad journalists

A small comment piece by Sam de Brito (of "All men are liars" column - Fairfax publications) and my response to him and the editor:

Save the blueys
Recently there were bazillions of bluebottles washed up on my local beach. But there was not one Greenpeace activist or chai-drinker trying to roll the stingers back into the ocean so they could be saved from death baking in the sun and popping like bubble wrap.
Where’s PETA when you need them?

Dear Sam,
So according to you, Greenpeace, chai drinkers and PETA are the only ones able to render assistance when an animal is in need.
If a person with a disability has fallen over, should we begrudge not-for-profit disability support groups for not instantaneously being there to help pull them up, and absolve ourselves of any requirement to help?
Why should the average person be exempt? We all have a responsibility to help those in need. It’s a typical shift the blame mentality.
Shame on those who stand idly by and criticise organisations that do not have the capacity to be in five million places simultaneously (by the way, the groups you mentioned aren’t even the relevant ones in this case).
YOUR local beach? The buck stops with you and the locals. And don’t tell me you all don’t have mobile phones and the capacity to request extra help. Oh, but you were probably all sitting on the sidelines, admiring the view and sipping your skim lattes.

**I realise that Sam's piece was likely to be tongue in cheek. Regardless, I object to this attempt to inflame prejudices and resentment towards certain groups.

POSTSCRIPT (October 2015): Check out my tribute to Sam:


  1. here here! The man is an idiot....another smear on the face of this fangled dwindling concept called humanity....shame on him!

  2. I couldn't agree more with Milly the editor. I bet he's one of those people who likes to play the blamegame. As Tyra Banks said 'blame isn't the game that we play in the modelling industry.' but I reckon that applies in any industry.

  3. People are stupid!! So glad you replied, Susannah. Did you get a response?

  4. No - I didn't get a reply from him!! I actually didn't expect to, but I think writing the letter was cathartic in itself! :)
